The Balabusta's Daily Organizer — a time for every thing!
The new 2024-25 Balabusta's Daily Organizers are here! You can order from this website by going to the Buy Now page.
The Balabusta's Daily Organizer is the best Jewish weekly and monthly planner around for organizing the time and life of today's busy woman. Containing weekly, monthly, and yearly calendars and feature-loaded Quick Reference pages, the Organizer is just what you need to effectively manage your time and your life. Click here for a full list of features and free create-your-own Shabbos checklist.
Our Pocket Edition is really the perfect size fit in purses. The Pocket Edition is nearly identical to its big sister except for smaller size — 5" wide by 7" tall — and lower weight. The Desktop Edition is 7" wide by 8-1/2" tall.
Imagine this: the house is clean, the food is cooked and you’ve prepared an activity for the children. The mood in the house is relaxed and happy. Every day of the week has its assigned tasks and activities, and you no longer wake up on Friday morning with the overwhelming feeling of stress. Your menus are set, and along with them the matching shopping list. These things no longer take up time and energy to plan. Your husband comes home to a happy wife and an organized home.
We're now in our 15th year of helping thousands of women (and a few men!) all over the world enjoy the gift of menuchas hanefesh — true peace of mind. This can be yours as well. This is 'The Balabusta's Daily Organizer.'